Conceptual Guide

Understand the key concepts, architecture, and workflows of our Open Banking Solution


Open Banking: Transforming Financial Ecosystems 

Introduction to Open Banking 

Open banking transforms financial services by enabling seamless and secure interactions between banks and third-party providers. This innovative framework supports faster, more transparent, and efficient financial transactions, fostering customer-centric ecosystems. 

At its core, open banking empowers users to securely share their financial data while enabling institutions to provide real-time services, especially in regions like the EU and Gulf areas. Open banking aims to:

  1.  Encourage Competition: Drive innovation by creating a level playing field for financial service providers.
  2.  Enhance Transparency: Provide customers with a consolidated view of their financial products.
  3.  Empower Users: Grant customers control over their data, including authorization to share it with third parties.

By leveraging modern architectural standards like OAuth 2.0 and Financial Grade APIs (FAPI), open banking ensures robust data protection and interoperability.

Core Components of Open Banking Architecture 

1. Microservices Design: 

  •  Modular services allow for independent updates, scaling, and management. 
  •  Promotes flexibility and agility in system operations.

 2. OAuth 2.0 Framework: 

  •  The cornerstone of secure communication and authorization between parties. 
  •  Ensures secure delegation of access to third-party applications. 

3. Financial Grade APIs (FAPI): 

  •  A standardized suite of APIs to ensure secure, high-quality interactions between banks and third-party providers. 
  • Developed in collaboration with the OpenID Foundation, designed specifically for open banking.

The following diagram represents the logical structure of an open banking ecosystem. It illustrates how core components such as the API Gateway, microservices, consent manager, and orchestration layers interact to facilitate secure communication between banks, third-party providers, and end-users. This architecture ensures seamless integration while maintaining compliance and data integrity.

OAuth in Open Banking

OAuth 2.0 is the foundation of secure authorization in open banking. However, open banking builds on it with additional specifications to meet stringent financial sector requirements.

  • Account Servicing Payment Service Provider (ASPSP): The bank or financial institution acts as the authorization server and protected resource server. 
  • Third-Party Providers (TPPs): Includes Account Information Service Providers (AISPs) for data access and Payment Initiation Service Providers (PISPs) for payment processing. 
  • Payment Services User (PSU): The end-user who owns the accounts and authorizes access.

By incorporating Financial Grade APIs and mTLS (mutual Transport Layer Security), open banking ensures trust, compliance, and secure data sharing among all parties.

Account Information Service Providers (AISPs)

 AISPs are services that access read-only financial data, such as account balances or transaction history, to provide value-added services like budgeting tools or account aggregators.

AISP Workflow

  1.  The AISP (client app) creates an account access consent resource at the ASPSP (authorization server). o This request requires an access token obtained using the client credentials grant. 
  2. The ASPSP responds with a consent ID. 
  3. The AISP initiates an OAuth authorization request containing the consent ID and redirects the user to the ASPSP. 
  4. The user authenticates and grants consent at the ASPSP, selecting specific accounts to share. o The user is redirected back to the AISP along with an authorization code. 
  5. The AISP exchanges the authorization code for an access token. 
  6. The AISP uses the access token to call read-only APIs (e.g., /accounts, /accounts/{ID}/transactions).

Payment Initiation Service Providers (PISPs) 

PISPs are services that allow users to initiate payments directly from their bank accounts, providing a faster, more cost-effective alternative to traditional card-based payment systems. 

PISP Workflow:

  1. The PISP (client app) creates a payment order consent resource at the ASPSP. o This request requires an access token obtained using the client credentials grant. o It also includes payment details such as the amount and recipient. 
  2. The ASPSP provides a consent ID in response. 
  3. The PISP initiates an OAuth authorization request containing the consent ID and redirects the user to the ASPSP. 
  4. The user authenticates and consents at the ASPSP, selecting the account to use for payment. o The user is redirected back to the PISP with an authorization code. 
  5. The PISP exchanges the authorization code for an access token. 
  6. The PISP confirms sufficient funds at the ASPSP via the funds confirmation endpoint (for one-time payments). 
  7. The PISP creates a payment order resource at the ASPSP, initiating the payment.


Key Features of Open Banking 

  1.  Streamlined Data Sharing: 
    •  Banks and authorized third parties share data securely through APIs. 
    •  Enables customers to access services like account aggregation and budgeting tools. 
  2.  Efficient Payment Solutions: 
    • Direct account-to-account payments reduce transaction fees and processing times. 
    • Supports innovative services like one-click payments and subscription management. 
  3.  Enhanced User Control: 
    • Transparent consent flows ensure users have complete control over their data and transactions.
    •  Real-time insights help customers make better financial decisions. 


Open banking creates a secure, transparent, and user-centric ecosystem for financial services. By leveraging microservices, OAuth 2.0, and FAPI, banks and third-party providers can deliver innovative services that meet modern financial needs. These workflows, backed by robust security measures, ensure the integrity of data sharing and payment processing while empowering customers to control their financial journey.